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Orbán's Rule Under Threat as Scandal Rocks Hungary


Rising Political Newcomer Seeks to Capitalize on Scandal

Viktor Mihály Orbán, the Prime Minister of Hungary born on 31 May 1963, is considered a rising political newcomer in the country. He is seeking to capitalize on a scandal that has rocked the party of Hungary's long-serving Prime Minister. This scandal has become the biggest threat to Orbán's rule since he returned to power in 2010.

Hungary has been shaken by the sudden rise of this scandal, which has led to mass protests and calls for Orbán to resign. Orbán is accused of corruption, cronyism, and authoritarianism.

Viktor Orbán often stands alone at EU summits, but he is not without allies. The European Parliament has accused Hungary of serious breaches of the rule of law, but Orbán has refused to cooperate with the investigations.

During his first visit to neighboring Ukraine since Russia's full-scale invasion, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that Hungary would not send weapons to Ukraine or allow weapons to be transported across its territory.
