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Animals In The Hebrew Bible

Animals in the Hebrew Bible

God's Creation

The Hebrew Bible is full of animals from the full roster of species that God created on the fifth and sixth days of Creation. Animals provided food and their care and feeding was an investment and a hedge against hard times. Many of the animals mentioned in the Hebrew Bible are familiar to us today including sheep, goats, cattle, horses, and donkeys.

Animals in the Desert

Which animals did they encounter in the desert? Animals and plants also feature centrally in some of Israel's earliest and most dramatic stories, including the Exodus from Egypt and the Israelites' 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. When no water can be found the Israelites were forced to rely upon God for their survival and safety.

Animals in Sacrifice

Bull and calfs were a traditional animal sacrifice in that time and symbolized strength and fertility. This is most evident in the story of Abraham's near-sacrifice of his son Isaac. As Abraham is about to kill Isaac, God provides a ram to be sacrificed in Isaac's place. This story suggests that animal sacrifice was seen as a way to atone for sins and to restore relationships with God.


Dogsor celeb in Hebrew—are humanity's best friends. We welcome them into our homes, we take them for walks, and we even let them sleep in our beds. But what did dogs mean to the people of the ancient Near East? In the Hebrew Bible, dogs are often mentioned in a negative light. They are seen as unclean animals and are often associated with death and destruction.


Animals played an important role in the lives of the people of the ancient Near East. They provided food, companionship, and protection. They were also used in religious rituals and sacrifices. The Hebrew Bible is full of stories about animals, and these stories can teach us a lot about the culture and beliefs of the ancient Israelites.


