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Can Cruise Ship Survive Tsunami

**Cruise Ships and Tsunamis: What You Need to Know** While cruise ships are generally safe from the impact of tsunamis when sailing in deep water, experts warn that they can be vulnerable due to their size and lack of maneuverability in shallow waters. Tsunamis are massive waves that can cause significant damage, including to large vessels like cruise ships. The size of the waves can be so great that even ships built to withstand extreme weather conditions may be at risk. For passengers and crew, a tsunami can be life-threatening. The waves can cause significant damage to the ship, leading to flooding, loss of power, and potential injury or death. Experts advise that cruise ships should take precautions when sailing in areas with a risk of tsunamis. These precautions include monitoring tsunami warnings and staying well away from shallow waters. If you are on a cruise ship and a tsunami warning is issued, it is important to follow the instructions of the crew. This may include seeking shelter in a designated safety area, such as an interior room on the upper decks of the ship. It is also important to remember that tsunamis can travel great distances and can strike without warning. If you are in a coastal area and experience a sudden rise in sea level or strong currents, move to higher ground immediately.
